FTSA receives the Green Gold Commendation at Londrina City Hall

Celebrating three decades of history, the South American Theological College was awarded a unique honor in the Londrina City Council: the Ouro Verde Commendation. It is public recognition of all the commitment and dedication to offering an education that transforms, training leaders capable of impacting cities and preparing lives to serve the Kingdom of God.

The ceremony, which was attended by Deputy Mayor João Mendonça da Silva, was led by Councillor Ailton Nantes and Councillor Giovani Mattos (author of the proposal). Also present were representatives from FTSA: Prof. Antonio Carlos, Prof. Jorge Henrique, Prof. Silvério, Prof. Flávio, Prof. Charles Van Engen (guest) and Rev. Eduardo, who as president of ACESA (FTSA's sponsor) received the award in his hands. In his speech, Rev. Eduardo recalled that the founders' dream was to establish a school that was relevant not only to the Church, but to society.


Ceremony marks honors at FTSA

In the historical journey of an academic institution, the buildings that make up the campus often take on meanings that go beyond mere physical spaces. They become monuments that echo the history, culture and values of their community. That's why naming these buildings after important figures becomes a great celebration.

It is a gesture of recognition and gratitude to those who believed in the dream, shared challenging moments, were present at the expansion of the seminary, now a college, accompanied the miracle of the construction of the campus, experienced the life of the institution through prayers, donations and made an impact that transcended the boundaries of the institution.

With this in mind, FTSA held a ceremony to "name" the main buildings on campus. During the event, on March 21, 2024, to the sound of the violin with conductor Roney Marczak, there were thanks, the reading of biographies, prayers and the unveiling of plaques for the buildings.

The honorees included: Dr. Salim Amed Ali, Rev. Messias Anacleto Rosa, Steve Pierson, son of Dr. Paul Pierson. Also honored (in memoriam) were James C. Blankemeyer (a major investor in FTSA) and Romilda Bernardo Barro (mother of FTSA's founding brothers, AC and Jorge).


Thanksgiving Worship Service

The meeting at the Events Center brought together teachers, collaborators, students, supporters and guests; people who throughout our journey have helped and continue to help build FTSA's history. During the program, some guests such as Manfred Koll, Steve Pierson, Charles Van Engen, Dr. Evan Hunter (online), Dr. Christopher Wright, Rev. Juarez Marcondes. Rev. Vanderlei Frari, expressed their gratitude and messages to the FTSA.

Also present on this special day was Meritt Lohr Sawyer, Trustee of Fuller Theological Seminary. We were excited to hear her bring the message of the service and share her experience. She has held executive leadership positions in several organizations, was the International Director of Langham Partnership International for over thirty years, Vice President of John Stott Ministries and co-founder of FACT (global leadership), managing programs in almost 70 countries.


FTSA's 30th anniversary book

[The scope of the geographies covered - from the space of a high school, through the growth in the ecclesiastical environment of one of the oldest and most representative evangelical churches in the city of Londrina and the establishment of the campus in the most university-oriented region of Londrina, to the borderless space of online education in the distance learning mode - reveals the answer to the first prayer said at the site where the FTSA campus is located today, by Rev. Messias Anacleto Rosa, when the land was purchased. Messias Anacleto Rosa, on October 31, 1998 (the symbolic date of the Protestant Reformation), when the land was acquired: "May a great seminary be built here and may men and women come out of it to bless the world."].

This is an excerpt from the book summarizing the FTSA's 30-year history, organized by Prof. Dr. Wander de Lara Proença, our historian. The book tells the story of the institution's transformations and achievements and reveals some curiosities, such as this prayer (quoted above) said under a large avocado tree - a leafy tree that still stands on campus today and which has become a landmark in a history of faith.

Another curiosity that always surprises us is knowing that the land we bought is in a region that has several streets named after reformers and pre-reformers of the Protestant Reformation (such as Martin Luther Street) and that this was just a great coincidence - or perhaps a "touch" from God in the history of FTSA.

The truth is that we are certain that everything at FTSA is the result of God's mercy and blessing. That's why telling the story of miracles and glorifying God for everything is a way for us to bear witness to all that He has done.



visit the photo gallery

See photos of the main moments of the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the South American Theological Seminary